weblog > 12/07/07
Sometimes my visits to internet sites take very long. As I have to log in, find my way around and / or find features for building this blog, even though I find it exciting, it is quite exhausting and the documentation usually happen after a lapse of time. There is in other words a glitch between the actual event and its documentation, which means that the time stamp might be erroneous. There isn't much I can do about that, though, and I ask myself these days, if I'm a maker of documentaries or a documentalist and an archivist. A documentalist always works in retrospect, not in real time, a documentary shows us the real story, not discontinuous archived items. A documentary places us first and foremost in the here and now.
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I'm asking for your e-mail address, but I won't pass it on to a third party aggro marketeer, nor will your address be displayed on this site
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