Literature died on October 26, 1986 > 05/10/10

The other night I woke up from sleep thinking “I took a class in creative writing and since then I haven’t written a thing.” Not entirely true but whatever writing there has been since then it has been marginal. The class took the passion out of writing and I come from the bottom.

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Archival art > 14/09/09

Contemporary art [noun]. Screenshots, photos, written and video documentation [of art, happening someplace missed]. Sometimes referred to as archival art or the remains of art.

The Pleasure of the Social Web > 25/07/09

In 1982, Jauss proposed the term geniessen in his Aesthetic Experience and Literary Hermeneutics to identify aesthetic pleasure. It was a reaction against Adorno’s “aesthetics of negativity,” which he rejected as “aesthetic purism,” as well as against the Barthesian pleasures of the text which, in Jauss’ words, is the “French counterpart to Adorno’s aesthetics in certain aspects” (29).

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On the writing of Mask Music Body > 03/12/07

Mask Music Body is a text that has undergone numerous twists and turns, rewritings, redesigns, reshuffles on a seven year long journey during which visions changed and perceptions altered - continuously. Has it turned into its bare bones; the bare bones that turn words into flesh?

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