weblog > 11/07/07

Twitter has come over us. Should I include it here in my social web burn out blog? It is of course a great record of the doings of people around the world, insofar as they have access to the internet and/or are in possession of a mobile phone, and as such it is an archival goldmine for future research and documentation of what people actually were doing at a given point in time. But, I can't help asking myself: Is Twitter a waste of time or a revolutionary networking tool

weblog > 09/07/07

35 perspectives on social networking See the list at [url=http://www.socialcomputingmagazine.com/viewcolumn.cfm?colid=432]http://www.socialcomputingmagazine.com/viewcolumn.cfm?colid=432[/url] We have heard most of them before, and I think we can delete the phrase 'young people' when reading the list, don't you agree? Even though the number of young people tend to be more in chat rooms, on dating sites etc than the number of adults? The list was compiled by the PhD student Malene Charlotte Larson.

weblog > 09/07/07

Installed the Social Bookmarks module for EE for social bookmarking at del.icio.us, digg StumbleUpon and Technorati, to enable this blog to enter into the symbolic chain of tagged experience in a networked environment.

weblog > 28/06/07

Have spent a day or two on setting up an RSS feed. works really fine! Except for enclosures which means that I cannot podcast, so for the time being you will have to do without podcasts.

Contacted my support forum, which is really great, and I was told that it's not a software thing but a server thing. So I contacted my web hosting service, no need for you to know which, who told me that since they are running php in safe_mode enclosures don't work. There is a workaround, something do to with cURL, but while I figure out how that works or change servers, you, as I said above, will have to do without podcasts.